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Home » Libri, Autografi e Stampe – Asta 148 » A concise History of Knighthood. Containing the Religious and Military Orders which have been instituted in Europe …. The whole embellished with 82 Copper Plates

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Ordini cavallereschi - Clark, Hugh

A concise History of Knighthood. Containing the Religious and Military Orders which have been instituted in Europe …. The whole embellished with 82 Copper Plates

Londra: per Strahan, Rivington, Payne, ecc.., 1784. In 8°. 2 voll. 82 tavole numerate incise in rame fuori testo raffiguranti le insegne degli ordini cavallereschi, poche lievi fioriture, legatura coeva in piena pelle decorata a radica, piccola greca in oro ai piatti, dorso liscio impresso in oro, tassello con titolo, dentelles, cerniere e angoli restaurati. Ex libris cartacei al contropiatto: Charles Abbot e Constitutional Club library. The gift of the right honorable Lord Colchester 1887.

€ 150 - € 200

Venduto per € 188

Rara e importante opera sulla cavalleria europea. 1784


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Lotto numero 450, Libri Autografi e Stampe Asta 148

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