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Lettera autografa e versi

Lettera autografa in 4°, una pagina, 195 x 163 mm., datata Strand 8 novembre 1793, montata su passepartout; insieme sei versi di un componimento intitolato The State of France, un foglio di 136 x 146 mm. montato su passepartout.

€ 2.000 - € 3.000

Venduto per € 4.000

“It is not to refuse, but to accept your visit on Sunday next, that I write. I thought you lost, or, which was much more probable, that you had forgotten a superannuated Invalid in a Village out of the way. (...) I have been much concerned for John Hunter [illustre medico scozzese, noto per essere stato fautore della necessità di fondare la chirurgia sulla ricerca e sulla sperimentazione]...You will find Twickenham scarce wrinkled: the unexampled Summer still lasts, & the Elms like old Beauties flatter themselves that they look as well as ever; and I hope politically, that our Laurels will not lose a leaf. The atrocious murder of that matchless Heroise et first of human Beings the Queen of France has filled me with a horror I can not express [si riferisce alla morte di Maria Antonietta, ghigliottinata il 16 ottobre 1793]. But if the French have shown themselves a race of intentional Hyaenas they have proved Her superior to every weakness that may reduce the Mind to the failings of Morality. Adieu till Sunday.” I versi del foglio acclusi, dal titolo The State of France, sono una sestina a rime baciate ed ironizzano sullo stato della Francia di fine secolo.


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Lotto numero 112, Libri Autografi e Stampe &8211 Asta 116

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